Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Updated facilities

As you may have heard, we have updated some key areas of our facilities over the summer. Top among these is a wave of new cameras for 1st and 2nd semester. The camera of choice is the file based Sony NXCAM 5, which replaces our tape based hdv and standard definition cameras. Along with this fantastic camera are audio kits for each camera including Audio Technica shotgun, and AKG lavalier mics. Students in semesters 3-6 use the XDCAM EX cameras to which which we have added 5 more cameras and audio packages. For senior film production, we have made some huge leaps with the aquisition of the Sony F3 CineAlta film camera (shown here) with a wide range of features including a set of prime lenses, a mat box and follow-focus plus a perfectly matched Miller Arrow 25 fluid head tripod.

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