Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vimeo Video School

Check out this announcement from Vimeo

Vimeo Video School

We launched a school! Vimeo Video School is a new section of Vimeo where anyone, from any skill level, can learn how to make better videos. For free.

We've crafted a series of fun, original videos to teach you about the basics of making better videos in an entertaining way. We've also written a variety of lessons that gather tutorial videos from across the site and help break down the details into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom. If that's not enough, we organized almost a thousand tutorial videos made by other Vimeo members covering almost every topic you can imagine.

Want to make a sweet time lapse video? Want to learn tips about editing in iMovie? Video School has lessons and tutorials about all sorts of cool stuff. Check it out frequently for new lessons and show your friends who might be interested. There's something for everyone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Multi-platform workshops

The DOC-sponsored workshop offered by Peter Broderick is highly regarded. We recommend these events to anyone lucky enough to get a coveted spot in the cross-Canada tour.

"Telefilm Canada’s aim in offering this training workshop is to give directors, producers and distributors a greater understanding of multiplatform content marketing and distribution so that they may profit from the new possibilities it creates.

Details and dates below - first come first served so act fast.

First-come, first-served basis, subject to eligibility criteria for all workshops. There are no application deadlines for these workshops but requests will be accepted up until the maximum number of participants have been reached in each city.
Workshop's Dates

February 4, 2011 - Toronto – up to 70 eligible applications

New CMF Funding guidelines

Canada Media Fund announces 2011-2012 Program Guidelines and Performance Envelope Factor Weights

(TORONTO, December 20, 2011) - The Canada Media Fund (CMF) today announced its Program Guidelines for the upcoming fiscal year starting April 1, 2011. It also announced the Factor Weights that will be used to calculate Performance Envelopes for 2011-2012. These announcements reflect decisions made by the CMF's Board of Directors at its meeting held on November 25, 2010.

Complete Program Guidelines are available on the CMF web site. The updated Performance Envelope Manual will be available this week. The CMF will hold a webcast to provide a complete overview of changes to its programs and Performance Envelope calculations in January 2011.

read more here:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sundance Doc Fund

Applications open for Sundance Institute Documentary Fund
Sundance Film Festival
Dec 16, 2010

Twice a year the Sundance Institute announces grants for their
Documentary Fund. Right now the Sundance Documentary Film Program is
accepting applications for their Spring 2011 funding cycle. According
to the Sundance website the online application will be available in
late December. Deadline for application is 9 February 2011.

"The Sundance Documentary Fund supports cinematic feature
documentaries about pressing Human Rights, social justice, civil
liberties and related topics from the US and internationally.
Proposals to the Documentary Fund are evaluated on effective
storytelling, global relevance, originality, artistic innovation and
potential for social engagement."

Applications are accepted in two funding categories:

* Research/Development funding
provided to projects that are between development and preproduction
* Production/Postproduction grants
provide funds to filmmakers in various stages of the production
and postproduction stages

For further information and application guidelines please click on the
link below.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

FREE TIFF screening, all invited

Event: Screening and Lecture – Wong Kar Wai's "Chungking Express"
Venue: TIFF Bell Lightbox Cinema 4
Time of event: Nov 26th, 9:30am-12:30pm

This is the last of the TIFF screenings for Centennial this term. I would be great to have a full house in order to protect this time and space for the next terms .

The screening will start with a short presentation providing the context for the film:

• Cassavettes
• Godard
• neon colours
• pop music
• Hong Kong changing hands
• young love
• gangster movies
• student films

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Color Correction Suite Opens

We're pleased to announce that our Color Correction Suite (Room 177) is now open for business. Current students in 4th and 5th semester have received basic training and are encouraged to take advantage of working in a professional style Color Grading Room. The 8-core MacPro Tower has been fitted with an AJA HD card and breakout box along with dual wide screen RGB monitors and a Sony HD Video monitor. We're using a Tangent Wave control surface to interface with Apple Color. The workflow is a bit tricky so users must receive training in order to know the basic steps of using Color. To support the system we have installed a subscription to, so that students can take on-line tutorials for Color and any other applications.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


All the panellists at the Asian Film Fest's Next Wave of Careers panel agreed that the best advice for young people in the industry is to be multi-faceted. McLean Greaves from Zoomer Media encourages the idea of being able to write, shoot, edit and work in multi-platform. Our own Phil Kruger emphasized content is king. Producer Joan Schafer pointed out the CMF experimental fund and how everyone is trying to figure it out. I commented on the trend of Social Justive Volunteerism programming and how that's growing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

B+F - Well into (almost out of) Fall Semester

Greetings Folks,
Now in Week 9, assignments coming and going at a frantic pace and the constant demand for us to "manage our time". If it's any consolation, it's all true for your faculty as well. The good news at the other end of the rainbow is, five graduates were hired to a limited contract the other day with Deluxe Entertainment Services - fancy that, a paid job in the industry that you studied for!
There's more of that around, but so much is timing and networking - along with your skills and atittude, of course.
We have a sweet deal coming up next fall with Adobe, where it looks like we'll be able to offer the Adobe "Master Suite" (15 software programs!) for the ridiculous (one good night at the bar) price of $150. That's less than a legit copy of Photoshop!
Your faculty is also embarking on a capital budget plan for next year to figure out what kind of new and improved equipment you'll need to make your best stories and deliver the impressive product that you (and your prospective employers) expect.
I'm probably jumping the gun here, but end of semester is only six weeks away and Christmas not far behind. If I don't chime in before, I hope everyone has a wonderful, well-deserved break, and that we all come back raring and able to deliver on the Murphy Challenge.
More details about that later.
Ciao for now.

Reel Asian

Next Week is Reel Asian Film Festival in Toronto. Students from B&F will be filming all the Industry Panels. Centennial College Faculty members Chris Terry, Paul Koidis and Phillip Krueger will be the panelists fort the Industry Panel on the Next Wave of Careers.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tuesday Sept.14
6pm in Room 264 (the TV studio)

An open invitation to all students in B&F.

Come and see a selection of the best
films and videos produced in the last year
in the B&F program.

Popcorn! Door Prizes! Great films!
What more do you want?

Hope to see you all there.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A New Beginning

Welcome to our first newsletter. It's promising to be an exciting year with lots of changes.

For the first time we will be running Camera courses in both first and second semester. Shel will be teaching the Camera 1 course. DOP Lance Carlson is teaching the Camera 2 and Lighting course. Also for the first time we're running an Editing course, that I will be teaching. Why the changes? These elements were previously encased in the general production courses. We recognized the need to get students exposed to camerawork early on (along with Photography). We also were keen to give more focus and training in camera, lighting and editing.

We are also pleased to welcome our new Screenwriting instructor, Steve Lucas. Steve brings a wealth of writing and show-running experience in both drama and documentaries to our program.

For this semester, I won't be teaching the Journal as there are two sections of Documentary and News Production 1 which I'll be teaching. Producer Dorlene Lin will be taking over the Journal this semester. Dorlene brings both journalistic and and independent producer experience to our program.